3 Count: Revoked Permission

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1: Judge Furious at “Inexcusable” P2P Lawyering, Nukes Subpoenas

First off today, the judge in one of the two large U.S. Copyright Group cases, this one over the movie “The Expendables” has revoked the plaintiff’s subpoenas in the case after learning that they have failed to serve the subpoenas to the ISPs. The judge also raised questions of venue and enjoinder, wondering if the Washington D.C. courtroom was the appropriate venue for the litigation and if all 23,000 alleged file sharers should be grouped together in one suit. The judge has given the U.S. Copyright Group until June 21 to explain why the venue and joinder is proper in order for the case to move forward.

2: Pirate Bay, MegaUpload & Others Blocked By Government Order

Next up today, in Malaysia the government has ordered ISPs to block access to 10 sites including The Pirate Bay, MegaUpload and others that they accuse of copyright infringement. The move comes in the form of a memo sent to the ISPs by SKMM, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, that was leaked to the Web. The government had previously promised to not censor the Internet but has repeatedly said that there is a difference between censorship and upholding the rule of law.

3: Artist at Center of Oscar-Nominated Documentary Loses Copyright Case (Exclusive)

Finally today, artist Thierry Guetta, better known as the street artist Mr. Brainwash, has lost his suit against photographer Glen Friedman. Friedman sued Guetta over a pieces of artwork Guetta had done that were based on a Friedman photograph of the band Run DMC. Guetta attempted to argue both that Friedman didn’t deserve copyright protection in the image and that his work was a fair use but the judge dismissed both of those defenses. The case had many analogues to the Shepard Fairey/AP suit, which was recently settled out of court.


That’s it for the three count today. We will be back tomorrow with three more copyright links. If you have a link that you want to suggest a link for the column or have any proposals to make it better. Feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. I hope to hear from you.

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The 3 Count Logo was created by Justin Goff and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

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