Interview on McInnis Plagiarism Allegations
Sadly, there is no podcast post this week. Patrick and I are taking a week off to catch our breath, enjoy the summer months a bit and generally do other things.
However, there is still something you can listen to if you’re interested. I gave an interview on the Denver radio station KOA on their program “The Ride Home”. At issue, the recent Scott McInnis plagiarism allegations, which you can read more about here.
The basic story is that McInnis has been accused, and admitted to, plagiarizing in a series of essays he wrote on water rights he did for a foundation in the 90s. However, he has blamed the plagiarism on a research assistant who, in turn, has placed the blame on McInnis. However, another allegation has surfaced, claiming that a newspaper column he wrote and speech he gave mirrored an earlier work by Daryl M. Plunk, who has since said he gave McInnis permission to use his words.
You can listen to my interview on the topic by visiting the show’s podcast page. My interview is in the 7-14-10 edition (or you can just search for “Jonathan Bailey”) and it begins at about 18 minutes into the show.
A big thanks to KOA for having me on!
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