3 Count: 37 Dollars
Have any suggestions for the 3 Count? Let me know via Twitter @plagiarismtoday.
1: LimeWire Gets at Least Two-Week Reprieve
First off today, LimeWire may still be alive, but most likely not for very long. Following a summary judgement against it in its lawsuit with the RIAA and the label’s request for an injunction against the service, LimeWire has been given just two weeks to file a response. After that, the RIAA will be given two weeks to respond to the response but the injunction could be granted any moment after LimeWire’s reply is filed. The company had asked for an additional two weeks but was denied. A damages trial in the case has been set for January.
2: NORML Settles Copyright Case With Righthaven After Rare Strategic Maneuver
Next up today, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws has settled its case with Righthaven. This comes even though the organization said they did not even host the articles at the center of the case, which were originally from the Las Vegas Review-Journal, and instead were on a subscription service they were a member to. According to a NORML representative, the organization settled the matter for $2,185 and did so to avoid spending more litigating the case, though they were comfortable they could have won. According to the group, the organizations focus is on reforming marijuana laws not battling copyright trolls. Righthaven was not eligible for statutory damages in the case since the work was not registered with the Copyright Office at the time of infringement.
3: Viacom PWNED on Piracy
Finally today, YouTube user VlogBrothers has some interesting commentary about the Viacom/YouTube dispute pointing out that Viacom, on their Spike.com video property, currently host Jonathan Coulton’s video Flickr with advertising though the video is licensed under a non-commercial Creative Commons license. According to the video, using Viacom’s logic, Viacom owes Coulton over $13,000 for the 18,000 views the video received. However, according to the video, using more realistic logic, Viacom actually owes Coulton closer to $37. Viacom has since removed the video.
That’s it for the three count today. We will be back tomorrow with three more copyright links. If you have a link that you want to suggest a link for the column or have any proposals to make it better. Feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. I hope to hear from you.
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