3 Count: Settling Down

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1: Judge In AP-Shepard Fairey Fair Use Suit Suggests Settlement

First off today, the Shepard Fairey case has taken a very dark turn for Fairey as the judge in the case has indicated that the Associated Press, who is suing the artist claiming that his “Hope” poster of President Obama is an unlawful derivative of their photograph of him, will prevail in the case “sooner or later” and encouraged the two sides to reach a settlement. This nudging, however, did not sway the two sides much, with Fairey’s attorneys still saying he has a strong fair use case and the AP saying they wish to seek damages, despite the suggestion they be dropped. Fairey also faces potential criminal charges for evidence tampering in this case for allegedly hiding which image he used in the painting.

2: ‘Hurt Locker’ Sharers: Expect Docs Like this (Photos)

Next up today, the first letters from ISPs and law firms working with the U.S. Copyright Group have begun trickling down to end users and CNet has an image gallery showing what the letters contain, at least in the case of one Verizon subscriber. The notice includes a letter from the ISP about the subpoena and a letter from a law firm representing the U.S. Copyright Group, which in itself includes a settlement offer of $1,500 to avoid a lawsuit. The settlement offer increases to $2,500 in a matter of a few weeks. The person whose letter is being shown claims that his network is secured but he never downloaded the movie in question, “Far Cry” and does not know who could have.

3: China’s Plagiarism Problem

Finally today, Forbes has an interesting article about China’s academic plagiarism problem and how it ties in with the larger issue of intellectual property rights in the country. According to Forbes, the sense of community in China runs counter to much of the rest of the world’s view on intellectual property and that, in turn, leads to a lack of enforcement within the country, both on copyright/trademark/patent issues as well academic plagiarism.


That’s it for the three count today. We will be back tomorrow with three more copyright links. If you have a link that you want to suggest a link for the column or have any proposals to make it better. Feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. I hope to hear from you.

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