3 Count: Newz to Me
Have any suggestions for the 3 Count? Let me know via Twitter @plagiarismtoday.
1: High Court Finds Newzbin Liable For Copyright Infringement
First off today, Usenet search service Newzbin was found liable for copyright infringement in a London courtroom yesterday. The company, which had brought in over £1 million ($1.5 million) in 2009, did not actually host infringing content but enabled users to find and download NZB files, the Usenet equivalent to torrent files. The judge ruled that the site did not take adequate steps to prevent infringing uses and even encouraged the behavior by the way it presented results. No word on damages at this time though an injunction is widely expected.
2: SCO Novell Jury Decision Pending
Next up today, the jury is out on the SCO/Novell case, which aims to decide who the copyright holder in the Unix operating system is. A loss in this case for SCO could spell a death kneel for the company as the company has claimed that Linux is an unlawful derivative of Unix and has sued IBM and other companies to that end. However, if Novell turns out to be the copyright holder, those cases come to an end and the company is widely expected to go bankrupt.
3: Warner Bros. Recruits Students to Spy on Pirates
Finally today, a job posting on the Warner Bros. site has caught the eye of those in the copyright field as the company seeks to hire an intern for copyright enforcement, including scanning the Web for infringing material, issuing takedown notices and making trap purchases. The position pays £17,500 ($26,000) but the deadline for application is tomorrow.
That’s it for the three count today. We will be back tomorrow with three more copyright links. If you have a link that you want to suggest a link for the column or have any proposals to make it better. Feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. I hope to hear from you.
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