3 Count: Angelyne’s Scene
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1: Talktalk calls Bono’s file-sharing remarks ‘outrageous’
First off today, U2 singer Bono’s comments in his recent New York Times column where he called for greater restrictions on the Internet to curb piracy has started to draw a great deal of negative attention.
The latest, and perhaps strongest, condemnation comes from UK ISP TalkTalk, which said that “Most people think that blocking access to sites that host child abuse images is a good thing… fewer than 10 per cent of us think that disconnecting alleged file sharers without a court hearing is a good idea.”
This comes after Bono called for the use of greater technological means by ISPs to reduce piracy and cited, controversially, China as proof such technology can work. TalkTalk went on to point out that, while some methods of obtaining illegal content can be tracked, such as P2P, there are other formats for viewing content that can not.
2: Bad Boy Films Sued Over ‘Notorious’
Next up today, Diddy’s Bad Boy films studio is the subject of a lawsuit from an unlikely source. Billboard model and actress Angelyne has sued the company over their movie “Notorious” as she claims one of her billboards was used in the film without permission.
According to the suit, the movie used a 12-second shot of one of her famous billboards and is suing for copyright infringement as well as other actions. She is seeking some $100,000 in damages.
In related news, I believe I have an early front runner for “Weird Story of the Week” on the Copyright 2.0 Show.
3: Decision Looms on iPhone Hack
Finally today, something of an update. Sometime in the next few weeks we are expecting a final ruling from the U.S. Copyright Office regarding whether or not “jailbreaking” an iPhone, or hacking the phone’s DRM to be used on other carriers or with unapproved apps, will become legal.
Currently such jailbreaking activity is a violation of the DMCA, which prevents circumvention of DRM controls to gain access to copyrighted materials. However, the Copyright Office, as it does every three years, is considering new exemptions to the law. A propsal that is on the table, one put forth by the EFF, would make such jailbreaking legal.
This ruling has the potential to drastically alter the way mobile phones are bought and distributed in the U.S. as well as have huge implications for other electronic devices that are currently locked in to one network or service.
That’s it for the three count today. We will be back tomorrow with three more copyright links. If you have a link that you want to suggest a link for the column or have any proposals to make it better. Feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. I hope to hear from you.
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