Video: Working with Myows
This was supposed to be a video paired with my review yesterday of Myows. However, the video wasn’t quite ready in time so I’ve decided to go ahead and post it today.
In short, this is a video that goes over some of the basic functionality of the Myows system, how to use it and what its designed to do. It’s about 12 minutes long though I am going to prepare a truncated version for YouTube (under ten minutes).
If you’re curious about Myows or recently signed up, this should give you a pretty good primer on how it works and some of the major features of the system.
On a related note, I’m hoping to make this video part of a lengthy screencast series on copyright issues, perhaps a video every 1-2 weeks, if the interest is there. I would appreciate your thoughts on that and how to improve future videos.
Disclosure: Chris Matthieu, the founder of Numly, which is a competitor of Myows, is a former co-host of the Copyright 2.0 Show with me. Also, I am using my referral code for Myows in this article though there are no rewards for doing so. This is mainly for tracking purposes.
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