Copyright 2.0 Episode 100 Tomorrow
This is just a very quick announcement to let everyone know that the Copyright 2.0 Show will be celebrating its 100th Episode tomorrow. We will be recording live on Talkshoe at 6pm Eastern Time with myself, Patrick O’Keefe and, the original host/cohost Chris Matthieu.
It’s going to be a great time and should include a great deal of laughs, stories and reminiscing about the past nearly two years of copyright news.
Here’s the rundown:
What: Copyright 2.0 Show Episode 100
Where: Live on Talkshoe
When: 6 PM Eastern Time Saturday February 28
Come join us in the chatroom, share your stories and perspectives. We’d love to have you with us as we celebrate our breaking triple digits.
In other Copyright 2.0 Show news, we will likely be moving the show time to 6PM Saturdays every week, to better accomidate our schedules and let more people participate. We are also preparing a big change for next week so stay tuned for more updates.
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