Copyright 2.0 Show – Episode 90
It is Monday again and that means that it is time for another episode of the Copyright 2.0 Show.
It was a big week for the show (and an important milestone for all listeners) for two separate reasons:
- The announcement that the RIAA would stop its strategy of bulk lawsuits in favor of ISP cooperation. Sadly, this story is NOT in the podcast since it was recorded early and finished mere minutes before the story went live.
- This was the first episode ever recorded live on TalkShoe. This was an experiment but, in the future, we plan on incorporating both listener chat and even calls into the podcast. So, if you’d like to participate, follow us on Talkshoe and let us know what you think. I’ll be sending out Twitter Tweets before every podcast to remind those that follow me on Twitter.
Beyond all of that, there was still a lot of copyright news to go around including a possible extension on copyrights in the UK, more RIAA lawsuit news (insert irony statement here) and donts more.
All in all, there were thirteen stories this week including news from all over the copyright world including our “Weird Story of the Week”.
This week’s stories include:
- UK Seeks to Extend Music Copyrights
- RIAA Sues Family for $1 million
- EMI Pulls the Coldplay “Plagiarism” Videos on YouTube
- Wedding Crashers in Spain Search for Copyrighted Music
- India Seeks Copyright Protection on the Taj Mahal
- And Many more…
You can download the MP3 file here (direct download). Those interested in subscribing to the show can do so via this feed.
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