Limited Posting This Week
I know it seems like just the other week I was taking a few days off to tend to Halloween (because it was) but I have to let everyone know that I’ll be taking a few more days off this week, starting tomorrow, due to a trip I am taking to the Netherlands.
I will be attending and speaking at the European Journalism Centre’s Innovation Journalism event entitled “Copyright and the Use of Creative Commons”. I’ll be giving a talk about plagiarism and how it ties in with the CC movement and Web journalism. The talk will be recorded and a video will be available after it is done.
I’ll be returning to the states on Sunday and should be back to normal next week for the most part, though there will not be an episode of the Copyright 2.0 Show on Monday.
In the meantime, I plan on posting updates, pictures and whatever else comes up on my Twitter account as wifi access, battery life, etc. allow. If you’re interested in the part of the country I’ll be in, the Wikipedia entry actually has some great pictures and information.
I look forward to heading out and I will resume normal posting next week! Thank you all for your patience.
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