Copyright News Links 11-01-08
I know that there hasn’t been any updates this past week and I am sorry for that but, as many of you know, we’ve been running the haunted house this week and my part-time hobby, for one week, turns into a full-time job.
Still, there was a lot of major copyrigth news this week including a settlement in the Google Book Lawsuit, a new LimeWire media deal and information about FaceBook pulling down videos set to private.
Also, there are a lot of other great humorous copyright stories including several candidates for “Weird Story of the Week”.
Remember, as usual, this week’s linkroll is a “raw” link list. Some stories are duplicated, some do not point to their original sources and some may not be accurate. A great deal of refining goes into producing the show notes for the Copyright 2.0 Show.
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