Classic Articles: Personal Favorites
Note: Since I will be gone most of this week to the International Plagiarism Conference and unable to post new material, I’m doing a short series highlight past posts from the various sites I write for. This post is the second in that series.
One thing I have learned while writing for Plagiarism Today is that my own feelings provide absolutely no indication of how well it will be received. Some articles I’ve liked have done really well, others fell flat.
Here are some of my personal favorite entries and articles at the three sites I currently write for.
Plagiarism Today
Video: WordCamp Dallas Presentation – The recorded footage from my presentation at WordCamp Dallas. Almost makes me look good.
Five Essential Wordpress Content Protection Plugins – A great article for the WordPress crowd. Still mostly holds true nearly two years later.
Instant Article Ghostwriter: Nickle & Dime Plagiarism – A scraping product still not known by many bloggers.
Blog Herald
The Five Worst Ideas in Content Theft – For those who want to know what NOT to do when it comes to protecting your content.
How To Avoid Spambots By Using Pinging Services – How to avoid some spammers by changing your pinging servers.
The 20 Best Free Anti-Plagiarism Tools – One of my favorite lists of the best tools for fighting content theft.
European Journalism Centre
Avoiding copyright catastrophe – How not to end up defending a bad copyright move.
How much is a link worth? – About putting a price in incoming links.
Part One: Surviving the “Me” Era – A new series about the new age of media consumption and how to thrive in it.
Not all of these articles were big hits when they came out though some have found second and third lives in certain communities. However, these are all articles that I was at least modestly proud of when they were released and hope that, by giving them a little extra attention, they can help people who might either be new to the sites or missed them the first time.
Please let me know if any of these articles strike a chord with you or if there is something else I should focus on in the future.
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