Weekend Linkroll – 05-31-08

Mediadefender LogoIt was a big week for copyright news with the music industry generating a very high volume of stories. We have updates on Metallica’s new Internet plan and the controversy around it, a clash between Radiohead and Prince, the first user arrests in the Oink case and the first criminal court ruling for online music piracy.

However, the headline from the week was Mediadefender allegedly taking down Revision3 in a DOS attack for reasons that are not wholly clear at this time.

In addition to that, we have new developments in the Google/Viacom lawsuit, the AllofMP3 case, the CSS case in Finland and much more.

Remember, as usual, this week’s linkroll is a “raw” link list. Some stories are duplicated, some do not point to their original sources and some may not be accurate. A great deal of refining goes into producing the show notes for the Copyright 2.0 Show.

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