Weekend Linkroll 05-03-08
It was yet another crazy week for copyright news. This time around we saw the RIAA take another hit to their “making available” claim, Radiohead turning their back on the “free” model and a moral rights case that brings in over one million dollars.
We also have updates to several cases including Madonna’s new album, the Irate Gamer gets parodied and Hulu comes back to YouTube.
Finally, in weird copyright news, there is a debate about whether or not PostSecret is having their rights violated by NBC, visual evidence why Linux is cooler than Windows and conclusive proof that there is no honor among thieves.
Remember, as usual, this week’s linkroll is a “raw” link list. Some stories are duplicated, some do not point to their original sources and some may not be accurate. A great deal of refining goes into producing the show notes for the Copyright 2.0 Show.
Finally, there was an issue with the feed for this site over the past week. For those of you that are getting this entry along with the previous five or more, I apologize. There is a bug in WordPress 2.5 that causes the feed to break when a site uses fancy permalinks. The fix is easy, but it has to be done by hand. For more information, see this link on the WordPress Forums.
The feed should function normally now. Thank you for your patience.
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