Housekeeping: Your Suggestions
I have to spend most of this morning, including much of my usual blogging time, catching up on some other writing and doing some repairs/maintenance to the site, mostly residual stuff from the recent move. So I won’t be able to do a full update today.
However, I wanted to take a moment and ask everyone reading this what they wanted to know more about on Plagiarism Today. Below in this post I’ve added a widget from the site Skribit that will allow you to post suggestions and vote on existing ones anonymously. I’ve added a few topics that I have mentioned previously to get things started.
If you would prefer, you can also leave a comment to this post or simply send me an email, either via the contact form or by just writing to jonathan at plagiarismtoday dot com.
So what do you want to read about on Plagiarism Today? How can this site better help you? I look forward to hearing what you have to say.
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