Typo Domain Bought
For those who have either accidentally mistyped or misspelled the word “plagiarism”, I’ve purchased the domain “plagerismtoday.com” and had it forward to this site.
Not only does this mean I don’t have to worry about typo squatters in the future, but also that those who make the simple easy mistake don’t have to worry about retyping the address.
Also, in an update to the latest changes to the site, I’ve gone back and removed the MyBlogLog and the Twitter elements from the sidebar.
I have, however, added back a link to the Performancing Legal Issues Forum for those who need free help with plagiarism and content theft cases.
Thank you very much for your feedback and suggestions. There are more changes to the site that will be coming but most should be very minor at most.
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If you want to feature this article in your site, classroom or elsewhere, just let us know! We usually grant permission within 24 hours.