Video: Professor Lessig’s Final Free Culture Lecture
On Jan. 31, 2008, Professor Lawrence Lessig gave his final talk on Free Culture at Stanford University.
The lecture mostly focused on the past ten years of his career, including his attempt to combat the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act of 1998, the founding of Creative Commons and the rise of “remix culture”.
The talk also provides a very interesting overview of the history of copyright extensions, particularly in the U.S. and raises questions about the constitutionality of many of the recent copyright law revisions.
The lecture wraps up by presenting Prof. Lessig’s newest project, the Change Congress initiative and his new strategy for fighting corruption and changing the political system.
To anyone interested in copyright law, this lecture is a must-watch and is a fond farewell to one of the founders of the “Free Culture” movement.
The video is embedded below:
Images from the video are from and are licensed under a Creative Commons License.
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