Saturday Linkroll: Short Week

I had to cut this week’s linkroll a bit short. Due to the holidays Chris and I had to record the podcast on Thursday night rather than, as usual, on Sunday. As such, this week’s linkroll only represents four or five days of stories.

Still, there was a great deal going on and a lot to look at including a major defeat for the Torrentspy search engine, Perez Hilton losing two more hosting accounts, this time on YouTube and a great deal more.

Remember, the linkroll below is a “raw” link collection. Some stories are repeated and others don’t point to their original source. I’ll did a great deal of massaging and reworking to craft the show notes for the actual Copyright 2.0 Show.

The episode itself is already online at the link above and will be posted here, as usual, on Monday.

Hope you are having a great weekend!

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