Copyright 2.0 Show – Episode 31 – RIAA Blues
Halloween is past and, hopefully, Plagiarism Today will be slipping back into a more regular update routine. As part of that routine, since it is Monday again, that means it is time for another episode of the Copyright 2.0 Show.
For this week’s episode, as usual, I sat down with Chris from to discuss the week’s copyright news and views. However, unlike most other episodes, this week the actual Copyright 2.0 site is down, meaning that you are literally getting it here first.
All totaled, the show had fifteen stories, including the following:
- Rowling Gets Mad… Again
- RIAA Tastes Some Defeat
- Bittorrent’s Days Are Numbered
- Imeem Expands
- Fair Use Proposals for Online Video
- And Many more…
You can download the MP3 file here. Those interested in subscribing to the show can do so via this feed (feed down right now).
Thank you again to everyone for your support during these past few weeks, the haunted house was a great success with over 100 visitors in the course of just a few hours. It was a good year for us considering we were at a new location with an all new attraction.
Next year is going to be even bigger and better. In the meantime, I’m going to work today on getting some of the pics and vids into my Divshare account and I should have those items up sometime either today or tomorrow.
Thank you again for your patience!
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