iPlagiarismCheck’s Eptiaph
Budget plagiarism checking service iPlagiarismCheck appears to be either dead or dying.
The service, which was recently accused by iParadigms of illegally using their Turnitin service to generate their results, has decided to shut down and sell off all assets according to an email from iPlagiarismCheck employee Susan Keisler.
Kiesler goes on to say that “such a travesty (criminal and/or copyright) will never take place in the future” and that she “was made an un-witting party to the whole scenario.”
According to Kiesler, she was hired on simply to answer emails and forward on reports. She says it was another person, identified only as “Ms. Nevarez” in the letter, was responsible for the workings of the company and that Navarez has already sold the company to someone wanting to drive traffic to a “separate concern”.
Currently, the iPlagiarismCheck Website is still active. However, I have not tested to see if I can submit a paper for analysis. All in all though, this letter seems to not only verify the accusations of iPagadigms, but also spell the ending for the budget service.
Whether another service will rise up in order to fill that void legitimately remains to be seen. However, the interest and traffic that iPlagiarismCheck attracted indicated that there is indeed a market for this kind of service. It is just a terrible waste that this service had to be, in a word, a plagiarist.
My congrats and thanks goes to Dr. Debora Weber-Wulff for both bringing the matter to everyone’s attention and for helping push this too a quick resolution. I look forward to working with her in future projects.
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