New Anti-Plagiarism Group forms on deviantArt

Following the recent spate of content theft at deviantArt, one of the artists that had her work lifted, Deb Walker, has created a profile and started a group dedicated to tracking down and stopping theft of dA member’s works.

The group, entitled the RippedArtTaskForce, opened its doors eariler this week and according to its description, is dedicated to the following things:

  • Take complaints of ripped art & investigate to the best of our abilities and time.
  • Work to have ripped art removed and/or sites taken down.
  • Provide information and education on copyrights.
  • Seek out sites containing stolen/ripped Art.
  • Promote a safer site for the posting of art.

Walker, along with her other administrators Lauren, Anita and Dave, are currently pursuing several potential “rips” right now. They detail those cases on their site.

Anyone wishing to report a case of deviantArt works being stolen or request help with their own works on the site being lifted can either email their information to RIPPED or by sending a note to dA member RippedArtTaskForce.

Finally, I will be providing assistance to the group, especially early on, helping them bring closure to some of the more difficult cases.

This is, potentially, a very valuable resource for dA members and a service that I will be following closely. I strongly encourage all dA members to take advantage of this group and, if you’re available, consider volunteering.

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