Housekeeping: Comments Disabled on Old Posts
This is just a quick heads up to let everyone know that comments have been disabled on all posts older than 28 days. This is to cut down on the amount of comment spam my Akismet has to deal with and reduce the number of people commenting on older works that have been updated.
Truthfully, I should have done this sooner but decided against it as many of the older articles were among the most popular. However, after a recent spate of comment spam I decided to go ahead with it.
Now, on pages with open comments, you’ll see a footnote indicating when comments will be closed. To prevent a comment from being closed off in mid-conversation, the plugin will extend comment posting for about thirty hours if a comment is posted near the time it was to be closed.
This new policy does not apply to pages or trackbacks.
I am sorry for any inconvenience this creates but since 99% of the legitimate comments were on posts less than two weeks old and nearly all of the spam was on posts months old, it seemed logical. Please let me know if you have any problems or concerns with this .
Thank you for your understanding!
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