Housekeeping: New Contact Information
Really quickly, I wanted to let everyone know that I added some new information to the sidebar over the past two days or so including some new means to get in touch with me.
First, I added (or rather, readded) my IM contact information including my usernames on Yahoo, MSN, AIM, Skype and Gizmo Project. Anyone who has a quick question or would like to chat with me is free to add me on any of those services.
Second, I also added a link to my new LinkedIn Profile. The profile is still very new and is a work in progress, but if anyone on the service wishes to add me, the information is there.
Finally, though I did this some time ago, I also added MyBlogLog to the sidebar. I haven’t done much with it but hope to get more involved over the next few weeks.
Also, in addition to all of that, I am recording another podcast Sunday morning and wanted to encourage anyone with questions or comments about it to drop me a line. If you have any questions you’d like answered on the show or any comments about, I’d love to hear them.
I look forward to hearing from you!
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