Episode 5 – Copyright 2.0 Show
Yesterday I spent the better part of an hour with Chris Matthieu from Numly on his podcast, The Copyright 2.0 Show.
The topic of conversation for most of the hour was myself and this site. It is designed, primarily, to introduce me as a recurring host on the show. As such, most people who have been on this site for a while probably will not have much to glean from this episode but future ones will be much more topical and news-worthy. We will also be taking listener mail for the podcast and, if you wish to send some for the show, simply send me an email and let me know.
Also, there were some issues with the recording of this podcast. My mic in particular was rough around the edges. We are hopefully getting new equipment and new introductions for the upcoming podcast.
With those things in mind, anyone who is interested in the podcast can use the control below or download it from this link. Also, if you’re interested in subscribing to the Podcast, feel free to use Itunes or subscribe to the Copyright 2.0 Feed.
[audio:copyright20eps5.mp3]Want to Reuse or Republish this Content?
If you want to feature this article in your site, classroom or elsewhere, just let us know! We usually grant permission within 24 hours.