Michael Crook Case Enters Arbitration

Article Updated: See Footnote

In a move that may put one of my prior predictions to shame, Michael Crook, the EFF and Diehl have all agreed to enter mediation in a bid to resolve the dispute between them without going to trial.

The mediation, known by the courts as “Alternate Dispute Resolution” (ADR) will include both non-binding arbitration and mediation (PDF). In arbitration, both sides present their case to an arbitrator who then renders a verdict, similar to an abbreviated mock trial. In mediation, a mediator work with the two parties to try and get the to reach an agreement.

According to Crook, they are discussing an agreement that “would come at a very high cost” to him and “would likely meet with the approval of the Internet public in general.”

There is no time frame for when this mediation will take place. Another conference is currently scheduled for February 8, 2007 on the matter.

I will post more information as it becomes available.

Update 1/20: Michael Crook announced via email today that his is shutting down his Internet sites, inlcuding his personal blog, effective immediately. In the announcement, he says that “this move was made of my own choosing, and no third party had any influence on this decision.”

All of the above links to Crook’s site were not working and had to be removed. I will, as soon as possible, remove all other links to Crook’s sites to avoid broken links.

Tags: Content Theft, Copyright Infringement, Copyright Law, Diehl, DMCA, EFF, Fair Use, Michael Crook, Plagiarism

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