Update: Michael Crook Responds to EFF

Michael Crook, the recipient of an EFF lawsuit for filing false DMCA notices, has added some details regarding his answer and counterclaim.

Though the claims have not been filed, he has confirmed the following items:

  • He is requesting a jury trial
  • He denies all wrongdoing and is seeking dismissal of the claims against him
  • He denies violating the DMCA
  • He is also filing a counterclaim that will seek “at least $4,150.00 in actual damages, and $19 million in punitive damages for intentional infliction of emotional distress, harassment, intimidation and other losses.”

He also states that he will be seeking “sanctions based on Diehl’s malicious conduct after the lawsuit was filed,” though he does not say in this update what conduct he is referring to or what those sanctions are outside of demanding for a public apology.

As I stated before, I feel that Crook is grossly misreading copyright law and abusing the DMCA to silence those critical of him. Though I will have to see the actual document to see what his arguments are, these updates seem to continue the same flawed logic.

I will write more on this once the counterclaim has been posted. At that time, we should have a better idea of what is going on.

Tags: Copyright, Copyright Infringement, Copyright Law, DMCA, Fair Use, Plagiarism, Michael Crook, EFF, Diehl

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