New Column: Ask Jonathan
Since the feedback to my recent housekeeping post has been positive, I have decided to give the column a try.
So, if you have any copyright related questions you would like answered on this site, please email them to ask -at- plagiarismtoday -dot- com. I will do my best to answer all of the questions I get but can not make any promises if the volume is larger than anticipated. If I do not know the answer to a question, I have several friends, including a lawyer, that I will consult.
The types of questions that are best suited for the column include:
- General questions regarding copyright law
- Questions regarding specific cases of content theft
- Issues surrounding recent copyright-related news stories
- Any other questions that might help other bloggers/Webmasters dealing with content theft/plagiarism/copyright issues
However, I will gladly look at any questions related to the field and do my best, if nothing else, to point people in the right direction.
If you are interested in submitting a question for the column, please include a name that you wish to be identified by (nicknames are fine) and a site address if you want to be linked.
I will run one question per week, on Fridays. The longevity of this column will depend upon the interest so, if you like this column idea and want to support it, the best thing you can do is submit your questions. Let me know what you are wondering about and I’ll do my best to find the answers.
As always, none of the answers are to be taken as legal advice. I am not a lawyer. Also, as always, any questions that you would prefer be kept private can be sent to my regular email account.
I look forward to hearing what you have to say and I am excited about getting your questions!
(Note: Check back this weekend as I am hoping to get a form up especially for use on the Ask Jonathan column. In the meantime, just use the address at the beginning of the article.)
Tags: Content Theft, Copyright, Copyright Infringement, Copyright Law, DMCA, Fair Use, Plagiarism, Scraping, Spam, Splogging, Splogs
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