MamaTulip Quits Blogging Due to Bitacle
Blogger MamaTulip announced yesterday that she is stopping her blog after fourteen months due, in large part, to recent content theft issues. Though she admitted to having suffered from “blogger burnout” for some time, she said that the content theft “pretty much sealed the deal”.
MamaTulip did not state directly that it was Bitacle that was leeching her content, comments to the post indicate it was.
Though not an A-list blogger, MamaTulip had amassed a large following. Her farewell entry has nearly sixty comments as of this writing. It is very clear that many will miss her blog.
What is clear is that the Bitacle Debacle has now done far more than just draw the wrath of the blogging community, it is now actively hurting it.
Though many wonder about the negative impacts of plagiarism and content theft, especially since the Internet is growing at such a fast pace, there is no way to replace established and well-loved sites.
Though many blogs may come up replace MamaTulip’s, none will be the same. It seems certain that her readers would agree with that.
Tags: Bitacle, Content Theft, Copyright, Copyright Infringement, Copyright Law, Plagiarism, RSS, Scraping, Splogging, Splogs
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