Trio of Updates
Three stories that I’ve been following were updated within the past 24 hours.
First, the article about plagiarism at TechCrunch has been updated with infromation regarding another discovery of Stomel’s plagiarism and the closing of his blog. Hopefully, this is the end of this particular story and I know many people would be grateful if that turns out to be the case.
After that, I received a belated email from Essential Software, the makes of Essential Copyright, and posted some of the information from their reply in my review of their product. The news is extremely positive as it was promised that registered users of the software will be provided updates to keep up with changes in copyright laws and copyright registration.
Finally, I’ve updated the blurb regarding Steve Mallet’s alleged plagiarism of to reflect new information that has come to light. As it turns out, Mallet was not at fault for the stolen code, but rather, the software package he used to create the sites contained the code by default. It’s a sad case of mistaken identity and it means a lot to me to help clear things up.
In the end, it’s a very busy time for plagiarism on the Web. In addition to these updates, I’m working on two major stories for the site, both of which should be up in a few weeks time, and several other large projects.
Clearly, 2006 is going to be a break out year for this issue.
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